
My nickname is edericodev or edericogames (he/him), and I’m a 15-year-old beginner self-taught developer based in Italy .

I love open source and I’m always looking for new ideas. I was a Windows user, but recently i moved to Arch , my first linux distro. My favorite tools for exploring this awesome world include: VSCode, CodePen, and GitHub.

My journey began a couple of years ago with Discord bots, then I moved to web development and more complete projects. However, I also love coding with languages like C/C++ , Python, Javascript, HTML, and CSS (even if they’re not coding languages). I’m keen to try out Rust in the near future.

If you want to see my projects, head up to GitHub!

Conventions and events I’ve been a part of.

For the past few years, I’ve been learning English through Cambridge courses. I’m currently at a B2 level, but I aspire to reach proficiency. When I have spare time, I use Duolingo for daily training.

In my free time, I play osu! . I really enjoy the standard mode. However, I’m not good at mania, catch, or taiko. Check my real-time stats below:

Or sometimes , i use my PS5 for playing absolute masterpieces.

I also listen to pretty much every genre on spotify . Check what I’m into below:

The entire website was built with astro , tailwind , and svelte .